Elderly Care: Preparing For Responsible And Compassionate Care

Caring for an elderly at home requires commitment in terms of time, finances and logistics. Sometimes, the weight of the responsibility can be overwhelming, not only physically but also emotionally, for both caregiver and the person being cared for. However, when you’re equipped with sufficient knowledge and support, providing care at home for a senior citizen member of the family can prove to be a practical and most rewarding decision you could make.

There are many reasons why an elderly person may decide, with recommendations and consultations with doctors, primary caregivers and family members, to stay at home longer instead of being in a senior care facility. They may be in sound physical and mental health, allowing them to live independently or with others in a regular household. They may be suffering from certain medical conditions, but these can still be managed through medication and out-patient therapy. There may be people in their lives who can dedicate full-time care for them. Whatever the reason may be, it’s a fact that elderly persons will have special needs and may require frequent assistance to make their lives safer or more manageable. Before you commit to elderly care at home, prepare your household first with the following tips:

Enhance the home’s safety and security. Whether your parent will stay in their own house or live with you, make sure the property is equipped with added systems that will further prevent common household incidents, such as intrusions, fire, or heating and cooling problems. Check if the home is equipped against bad weather or flooding, or that the elderly person will have access to immediate help should such emergencies occur.

Adjust the home according to the elderly person’s needs. Simple repairs or additions to the hone can make life much easier for the elderly. Assess the place and see what kind of adaptations can be made, such as installing bathroom mats, stairlifts, or remote controlled devices so that your parent can move safely and with more ease despite vision problems, loss of hearing, limited mobility and other conditions that come with age or illnesses.

Make sure medications are managed well. Establish a system that will ensure all necessary medicines are taken in sufficient doses and on time without fail. You may purchase pill boxes, dispensers and gadgets that will remind and monitor medication schedules. Ask the doctor if there is a need for purchasing medical equipment such as nebulizers or oxygen tanks. Arrange for health care worker assistance in case more delicate procedures are required, such as procedures involving injections or special equipment use.

Care of the elderly is a task that should be done with equal parts compassion and practicality. In case circumstances have changed and it may be better to consider alternative accommodation, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Both the elderly and the person taking care of them deserve a healthy, happy home environment.